With some exciting exploration of Space and planet earth, we are now venturing into Indigenous culture and native animals in Australia. In Literacy we are learning to write narratives and in Maths we are looking at perimeter, area, fractions and symmetry.

Please respond to the posts and look at the links down the side to find activities relating to what we are doing in class.



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. Include only your first name.

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Scale of the Universe

Visit the website Scale of the Universe. Post something interesting you have learnt from it.

Dreamtime Story Homework

Invent your own Dreamtime story to explain why something is the way it is, for example, why the sky is blue, why kangaroos hop or why leaves are green.
You can visit the Dust Echoes website to look at other Dreamtime stories.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Freddy goes overseas!

Imagine you take Freddy the Frog for an overseas adventure.
Describe your holiday together - including the places you would go to and what you would do there.

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