With some exciting exploration of Space and planet earth, we are now venturing into Indigenous culture and native animals in Australia. In Literacy we are learning to write narratives and in Maths we are looking at perimeter, area, fractions and symmetry.

Please respond to the posts and look at the links down the side to find activities relating to what we are doing in class.



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2. Type in your comment
. Include only your first name.

3. Select 'anonymous' as your identity.

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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Terrific Typing !

How is your typing going?
Visit typing web or good typing, how many words per minute (wpm) can you type and what is your accuracy?

Cool Websites

What is your favourite link on funschool 1 and why do you like it?

Monday, July 23, 2012


What was your most favourite thing that you did in the holidays?

Blog Archive