With some exciting exploration of Space and planet earth, we are now venturing into Indigenous culture and native animals in Australia. In Literacy we are learning to write narratives and in Maths we are looking at perimeter, area, fractions and symmetry.

Please respond to the posts and look at the links down the side to find activities relating to what we are doing in class.



1. Click on the comments link (near idea or question that is displayed)

2. Type in your comment
. Include only your first name.

3. Select 'anonymous' as your identity.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Questions about Space

Post a question about space. Wait to see if another student can post the answer to your question.
(remember to include only your first name)


Anonymous said...

Super Moon
did you know that for a few days we had a super moon. A super moon is when our moon gets closer and closer to Earth. And we just had one. Look at the sky at night and you will see that the moon is bigger then normal.


Anonymous said...

does anyone know if the eclipse is
this year ?


Anonymous said...

Did you know that on Mars, you can leave very deep footprints in the ground. If you take your mask off, your blood will turn to bubbles and you can die!

from Saskia

Anonymous said...

• November 13, 2012: Visible from north central Australia to the Great Barrier Reef


Anonymous said...

WOW! those are some really cool facts. Thankyou for teaching me some new things.
(Mrs Lewis)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
the did you know that all of Uranus'
moons are named after characters
from plays.

Anonymous said...

Nice Work! What a cool fact! - Mrs Lewis

Anonymous said...

Uranus also has 27 moons and the name Uranus was named after the greek god of the the sky


Anonymous said...

A great fact Emily! Thankyou!
- Mrs Lewis

Anonymous said...

The days of the week are named after the planets.

Sun day
Moon day
Tuesday is named after mars
Odin's day is named after mercury
Thor's day is named after jupiter
Freya's day is named after venus
- Mr Lewis

Anonymous said...

Cool coment Emily.


Anonymous said...

On the sixth of June Venus is going in front of the Sun. It's called transit of Venus. The next one is going to be in more than 100 years! And on the sixth of June is also my Dad's birthday!


Anonymous said...

to ms lewis cool coment .
rrome Anika

Anonymous said...

cool fact madalen I hope I do not
misse it.

Anonymous said...

Remember don't look straight in the Sun it might hurt your eyes!
I'm going to watch it through very dark glass.


Anonymous said...

To : madalen i'am to look at it on
a pice of paper.

Anonymous said...

why was their space in the first place. julia

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