With some exciting exploration of Space and planet earth, we are now venturing into Indigenous culture and native animals in Australia. In Literacy we are learning to write narratives and in Maths we are looking at perimeter, area, fractions and symmetry.

Please respond to the posts and look at the links down the side to find activities relating to what we are doing in class.



1. Click on the comments link (near idea or question that is displayed)

2. Type in your comment
. Include only your first name.

3. Select 'anonymous' as your identity.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Schools Out!

What are your 5 favourite activities to do outside of school?

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Do you like poetry? Post a poem you have made up yourself or a favourite poem by someone else. If you like you can visit the links on the side to get some ideas.

Classroom Ideas!

Do you have a great idea for the classroom? post your thoughts below.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Card Castle!

How high can you stack playing cards without any other support? Record your height below and what technique you used to get it that high (remember to include only your first name).

Are you hungry?

Do you know a healthy, simple and tasty snack or meal? Post your favourite recipe like this below.

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