With some exciting exploration of Space and planet earth, we are now venturing into Indigenous culture and native animals in Australia. In Literacy we are learning to write narratives and in Maths we are looking at perimeter, area, fractions and symmetry.

Please respond to the posts and look at the links down the side to find activities relating to what we are doing in class.



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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Classroom Ideas!

Do you have a great idea for the classroom? post your thoughts below.


Anonymous said...

I was thinking that one of the people in our class who was very well behaved in week could chose who fredy goes home with


Anonymous said...

What a good idea Emily! we will have to give your idea a try :-) - Mrs Lewis.

Anonymous said...

That is a fair idea so i like Emily's sugggestion alot.
P.S.Good idea


Anonymous said...

graet idia emily if fredy was alive
I thinck he woude like that idia.

Anonymous said...

How about if we have a chart whith 5 spaces each time a stoudit is good
they get star on one of there 5 spaces. And whene ther got 5 stars
they get an aword.

Anonymous said...

Thats a good idea Anika! Its a bit like our class reward system but for individual students. Good thinking! :-) -Mrs Lewis

Anonymous said...

Cool idea Anika.

Anonymous said...

thankes Ms lewis and sidonie.
from. anika

Anonymous said...

to ms lewis I woud like it if
goege coud be fredys travil
budy so he dose not get lonly.

Anonymous said...

I think that we shoud make a house for fredy and gorge

by perry

Anonymous said...

well maybe we could think of a poem and then someone sings it while another person dose the acshons

p.s i think it would be more fun in bligual


Anonymous said...

good idea perry!

maybe i could bring in some clothes for fredy and george too


Anonymous said...

I found some teddy clothin and
soms pants wAihte sterin round thde

Anonymous said...

Sounds great Anika!
- Mrs Lewis

Anonymous said...

to:ms lues

you shud put prezy on the websigte

from:jake R.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jake! thats a good idea. I made a link for it under the heading Computer Stuff. - Mrs Lewis

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