With some exciting exploration of Space and planet earth, we are now venturing into Indigenous culture and native animals in Australia. In Literacy we are learning to write narratives and in Maths we are looking at perimeter, area, fractions and symmetry.

Please respond to the posts and look at the links down the side to find activities relating to what we are doing in class.



1. Click on the comments link (near idea or question that is displayed)

2. Type in your comment
. Include only your first name.

3. Select 'anonymous' as your identity.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Questions about Space

Post a question about space. Wait to see if another student can post the answer to your question.
(remember to include only your first name)

Convince your teacher

Choose something that you think should change at school. You can be as creative as you wish eg. installing trampoline floors or a pool in the playground. Think of some good reasons for this change to happen and post your ideas below. Remember, your arguments must be strong if you are to convince your teacher.

Interview with an Alien

What if you were to one day meet an alien?
Write a list of questions you would like to ask it about its life and the universe it comes from.

Creative Writing - Zoo visit

One day you decide to visit the zoo, you become lost and find yourself in a restricted area where you discover a strange animal that no one has ever seen before. Describe what it looks like.

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